Articles | Keven Arseneault | | Page 6


Functional Gains VS. Structural Gains

With the bodybuilding competitions coming up, it made me rethink about the interest of people with their desire to acquire muscular mass. In fact, people tend more and more to become functional with their bodies (look at the growing popularity of Crossfit right now). I found it interesting to remind[…]

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Caffeine and its Importance in Sports

  A large proportion of Canadians are proud consumers of coffee. It is possible that you, the reader, have already consumed and even felt the restorative effects of this product in all its forms (coffee, tea, energy drink, soft drink, chocolate, etc.). Some have even introduced it into their diet on[…]

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Carbohydrate Overcompensation: Is it Necessary?

What are carbohydrates and where can we find them? Carbohydrates are found in a large majority of food (fruits and their juices, grains, potatoes, dairy products, cereal bars, baked goods, etc.) They are very present in our food in addition to being the primary source of energy during exercise. In[…]

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